Over my third year I have attended a range of different seminars as part of my blog for Bio Enterprise and Employability module. I have learnt a lot from these seminars and they gave me a lot to think about during and after each one. The seminars contained problems that I had never really thought much about before such as the urban forestry and peat land seminars. They have most definitely opened up my mind to a variety of different career options which I didn’t think would interest me before.


I have enjoyed attending the seminars a lot more than I thought I would and the people presenting the seminars helped to make them interesting and easy to follow. Before the seminars I was always certain about what I would do after finishing at Bangor but the seminars changed my mind and made me think about and explore other opportunities. The seminars have also helped me to make a decision on whether or not to apply for a masters and as a result I have now been accepted to study Ecology and Conservation at Stafford University. I have also broadened my mind to future employment options and have been looking at possible jobs that I wouldn’t have looked at before attending some of these seminars.


Overall the seminars have influenced my career path after graduating from Bangor University, and they gave me a lot of options to think about and I am now much more confident and certain about my career path than I was 12 months ago.